=========================================================================== Title : Homeless -Level 1- File Name : homeless.map Author : Chris Potter & Brandon Orff ( aka. Rubber Boy ) Email address : b_orff@pagesz.net Misc. Author Info : Two high school "MEN" that love gaming. Chris is normal but Brandon is VERY double jointed. also check out Space1.zip. Two earlier levels. Description : You are Duke Nukem, EX-American Hero. After you defeated the Cyber Emperor, you were laid off because of government cut-backs. You now are homeless, your babes left you, and you live in a box in some city in Nebraska. Today it is raining, and you are pissed. You notice a strange looking cloud in the sky. After a nap, some booze, and a few pills, you notice some supplies dropping from the sky. You decide to check it out.......BUT while you're at it, you should look for T.V. , money , and Chicks. Additional Credits to: 3DRealms =========================================================================== * PLAY INFO * Episode and level :User Map Single Player :yes {there is an exit} Cooperative Play :no Dukematch :no Difficulty settings :not implemented New Sounds :no New Graphics :no New Music :no Demos Replaced :none =========================================================================== * CONSTRUCTION * Base :New level from scratch Editors Used :BUILD.EXE Known Bugs :May get crushed at some points ========================================================================== Read other texts for next level stories before you play. Remember, this zip contains the other two levels. Millions of thanks to all who play. Spoiler -read at own risk, or if stuck- * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *WARNING WARNING WARNING------ONLY OUR 3rd LEVEL * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * -Yes that is rain -Watch the TV to the left of O.J, -DON'T go through the maze (it's impossible) JUMP THROUGH IT -You can walk through a wall in the frige -Look at map during game to find which hole is water -rise out of water via broken floor -to get yellow key, find a secret in the halls after the bathroom -in the secret make sure you have 100% health. you may still die. Don't be affraid to use DNKROZ -Get money out of ATM, maybe by prying it open